American Dream VS Indonesian Dream

Is to be successful with minimum aid

That’s why what Americans value most are
independence and hard work

It’s the reason why Americans disrespect the people
who disrespect themselves by begging for sympathy from others.


Is to be successful with minimum effort

That’s why what Indonesians seek most are
short cut and getting acquainted with the key persons.

It’s the reason why in Indonesia corruption is a norm,
ass kissers are respected, and everybody wants to be civil servant.


DeepBlue said…
DeepBlue said…

Is to be successful with minimum expense.

That's why Chineses wear lousy clothes and disregard new technologies.

It's the reason why Chinese focus on the trading (buying and selling) business, never into the company business.
satu lagi,, orang indo pada suka maen dukun dalam mencapai mimpinya,, hehehe
Anang said…
nice analysis... good job bro..
C'Mon. It's Indonesia, Guys.. What Do You Expect ??
Anonymous said…
huahuahua bener bgt! gmn indo mo maju ya.. --;
Fida Abbott said…
Aku nggak setuju Jed, nggak semua orang Indo kayak gitu. Buktinya aja aku ini loh, he,he....
-ian- said…
Indonesia tanah air beta....
rindu ndenger lagu itu lagi....
semoga Indonesia dan kita semua bisa belajar dari kehidupan ini.
Anonymous said…
mudah2an indonesia semakin baik, gak harus jadi civil servant untuk korupsi kalo emang niat bisa dimana aja.
dung2x said…
About the American dream... not really lo, actually most Americans live with lots of aid.

Aku tau sendiri kalo org Amrik itu generally punya banyak hutang. Contoh: untuk sekolah, mereka biasa pake student loans, ntar beli mobil pake credit bank, beli rumah pake mortgage, dan of course the daily credits using credit cards.

Sebenernya kalo anda udah ke sono, you will soon find out banyak orang Amrik yg terbelit hutang. Dulu aku pernah denger aja ada college student bisa punya credit card debts $80k. Gile ga tuh.

Berbeda ama orang indo yang lebih percaya ama cash, ga mau hutang2an. Makanya dealer mobil di Amrik seneng banget kl yang beli orang Asia, krn sekali beli mobil, bayarnya cash, ga pake cicilan2 credit2an. Hahaha...

Cuma bedanya yg bikin mereka makmur, goverment yang membantu rakyatnya. Ada sosial security fund (kaya jamsostek), tp ini bener2 jalan dan most people can retire with good amount of money. Trus org2 yg miskin (homeless, jobless dll) sering dikasih tunjangan dari pemerintah. Gitu deh.
Ancilla said…
wah... ada benarnya tapi tak sepenuhnya benar...

tapi smoga jokes ini bisa memacu kita, Bangsa Indonesia untuk maju ya :)

bukan sekedar tersenyum miris...
Zilko said…
Nice entry... :)

Tapi ga setuju sama kata 'everybody' tu di terakhir2nya. Ga semua kaya gitu koq... :)