Hari Jumat malem kemaren, pas gue mo keluar rumah mo beli HP baru, gue dikagetin sama banyaknya orang yang lagi berlarian di depan rumah gue. Ternyata ada kebakaran hebat di beberapa blok dari rumah gue. spontan aja, gue langsung giring motor gue ke lokasi kejadian dan semua orang ternyata juga melakukan yang sama. Api tersebut begitu besar dan gue pernah ngeliat yang kayak gitu. Setelah melihat kejadian dan histeris kebakaran dan semakin banyaknya orang yang datang melihat, gue cabut kembali ke rencana semula buat beli HP. Saat itu jam 7 malem dan gue pergi selama 2 jam hingga jam 9 malem dan pas gue lewat lokasi kebakaran, ternyata api masih ada disono. Orang-orang masih ramai memandangi kebakaran tersebut. Esoknya dari koran lokal dan dari melihat puing-puing sisa kebakaran, gue tahu kalo ada 4 ruko diantaranya 2 bank, hangus dilalap api pada kebakaran tersebut.
Waktu meliat histeria orang-orang yang berlarian ingin melihat kebakaran, gue teringat kata-kata Leonard Ravenhill: You never have to advertise a fire! Api kebakaran dengan sendirinya akan menarik orang-orang datang tanpa perlu iklan. Gereja yang dibabtis api Tuhan tidak perlu ngiklan untuk membuat orang datang berkumpul. Dengan sendirinya seperti magnet menarik banda-banda yang mempunyai zat besi ke arahnya.
Berikut cuplikan tulisan Len Ravenhill:
I say again, this man John Baptist has no pattern before him. I believe this man walked up and down amongst the wild beasts, and there he is, he doesn’t eat much. Some big flies, you know, a bit bigger than these horrible things that eat my garden up, grasshoppers. Big, big things, he caught them, put them on a rock and roasted them. Three times a day he had locust burgers. Nothing else to eat except locusts and wild honey. And yet the people come near to hear him. I’ll say it again, for my comfort if not yours: You never have to advertise a fire. Whether it’s spiritual or a physical fire. The most self advertising thing in this world is a fire.
I remember getting home between one and two o’clocka morning in England.I said to my wife, "Sweetheart, one of the big mills in town is on fire, let’s go. It’s nearly two o’clock, there’ll be nobody there." Everyone in the city woke up with the same idea, so they all went. We couldn’t get within three blocks of the place. I said, "Sweetheart, we’ll go ‘round..." We went around in our little car, you know, those tiny little things. Well, we got half way down the street it was so fierce we could not even stand there, the fire was so terrible in it’s majesty. This huge mill burning.I wonder how many of us have really seen a man who is on fire for God.
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ada kebakaran juga bisa mengapresiasi :D
tapi ngomong2 ada kebakaran gitu kok kamu ga nolongin Jed? malah ngeblog?
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