Learning it the hard way

Keinginan. Ambisi. Kekuasaan.
Semenjak kita dilahirkan di dunia ini, kita sudah masuk di suatu dunia dimana yang kita inginkan ialah perhatian, suatu arti, suatu kepuasan. Momen demi momen akan semakin membentuk kita menjadi seorang pribadi yang gigih, yang berjuang, demi pencapaian sebuah cita-cita.
Life is a struggle my friend.
That's what they're always saying.
That's right!
Life is a struggle to get attention and acceptance.
That's why everyone has a dream.
That's why everyone have an ambition.
That's why everyone want to be the ONE.
Tapi yang seringkali tidak kita pikirkan ialah kita hanyalah setitik manusia diantara yang tak terhingga. Impian kita ialah satu diantara sejuta impian lainnya. Dan seringkali kesempatan untuk menjadi the ONE membuat kita kecewa, patah semangat, dan depresi ketika kesempatan itu didapat oleh orang lian yang lebih beruntung dan kita harus iri seumur hidup kita terhadap mereka. Just realize... How egoistic you can be... If you only thing about your dream, your goal, your wish. Seumur hidup manusia tampaknya mereka dikutuk untuk terus berada di lingkaran setan tersebut. Strive for somebody who loves them, who care for them, who will stand by them no matter what.
Henry Nouwen wrote:
I would like to speak to you about the spiritual life as the life of the beloved. As a member of a community of people with mental disabilities, I have learned a lot from people with disabilities about what it means to be the beloved. Let me start by telling you that many of the people that I live with hear voices that tell them that they are no good, that they are a problem, that they are a burden, that they are a failure. They hear a voice that keeps saying, "If you want to be loved, you had better prove that you are worth loving. You must show it." But what I would like to say is that the spiritual life is a life in which you gradually learn to listen to a voice that says something else, that says, "You are the beloved and on you my favor rests." You are the beloved and on you my favor rests. Jesus heard that voice. He heard that voice when He came out of the Jordan River. I want you to hear that voice, too. It is a very important voice that says, "You are my beloved son; you are my beloved daughter. I love you with an everlasting love. I have molded you together in the depths of the earth. I have knitted you in your mother's womb. I've written your name in the palm of my hand and I hold you safe in the shade of my embrace. I hold you. You belong to Me and I belong to you. You are safe where I am. Don't be afraid. Trust that you are the beloved. That is who you truly are." I want you to hear that voice. It is not a very loud voice because it is an intimate voice. It comes from a very deep place. It is soft and gentle. I want you to gradually hear that voice. We both have to hear that voice and to claim for ourselves that that voice speaks the truth, our truth. It tells us who we are. That is where the spiritual life starts -- by claiming the voice that calls us the beloved.
Kerinduan untuk diterima adalah sebuah energi. Energi yang memacu kehidupan. Energi yang membuat seseorang berjuang untuk perbaikan. Energi untuk bermimpi. Energi untuk memberi dampak. Namun jika energi itu tidak diarahkan dengan baik maka energi itu akan membawa bencana. Ketika kita memusatkan energi itu pada satu hal saja dalam hidup kita, kita cenderung menjadi sensitif dalam areal tersebut. kita menjadi pemarah, emosional, dan tidak puas dan terima akan setipa kenyataan yang terjadi.
But it happens because I love it.
NO! You don't love it.
You love what is going to happen when your dream come true.
When you are accepted, appreciated, and embraced.
Henri Nouwen berkata:
Kita menjadi monster ketika kita menuntut orang lain suatu tuntutan yang hanya bisa dipenuhi oleh Allah. Kita menuntut orang lain mengasihi kita dengan mutlak, sedang hanya Allah yang bisa memberika kasih tak bersyarat itu.
Dia datang untuk mengakhiri konflik itu...
Dia datang untuk membuat semua manusia tahu...
mereka SUDAH diterima,
SUDAH dihargai,
SUDAH dipeluk dengan lengan-lengan kekal.
Brennan Manning berkata:
Tuhan mengasihi kita apa adanya BUKAN sebagaimana kita seharusnya karena tak satupun dari kita yang sebagaimana seharusnya.
Looking through the eyes of grace, I can see Him standing over there...Wanting so much to be with me. Forever.
