How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Bulan ini gue mao share e-book yang berjudul "How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You" karangan Leil Lowndes. Gue dapet e-book ini dari temen gue Gladies dan isi buku memang luar biasa. Jadi rencananya gue mao bagi-bagi e-book ini dengan gratis kepada para pengunjung blog ini. Sekedar peringatan, e-book ini ditulis dalam English, so bagi yang boso inggrisnya jelek, mungkin gak bakal nyambung kayaknya. Bagi yang berminat, tinggal tulis alamat email anda di bagian comment di bawah. E-book akan Jed kirim tanggal 10 Maret 2007, jadi batas akhir permintaan cuma sampe tanggal 9 Maret. Lewat dari tanggal segitu, permintaan tidak akan dilayani. So, buruan....

Ini review dari Amazon.Com:

Hard to believe anything other than luck and maybe fate, never mind a book, can make someone fall in love with you, but oddly enough, Leil Lowndes seems to offer the advice that can do just that in How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You. The sensation of falling in love comes from a chemical secreted by the nervous system, phenylethylamine (or PEA, as Lowndes calls it, as in "Scientists tell us only PEA-brained people fall in Love"), and the trick is to trigger the manufacture of PEA in your potential love partner, giving him or her the sensation of being in love. Lowndes offers 85 techniques for "Hunters and Huntresses" to capture their "Quarry." Much of what the book offers is common sense--the power of eye contact and compliments--but it's presented in a new way and with such detail that it seems that it can't help but work.

Following some of her advice will have you treading that fine line between nice and obsequious, and at times, this book may sound offensive to some, advising the reader to play what may sound like games. Lowndes is aware of this, and she offers some caveats, but still it is hard to get past advice such as, "Show him you're smart, but remember--not too smart" or "Watch your Quarry's reactions to outside stimuli, then show the same emotions." In all fairness, Lowndes doesn't play favorites: her advice to men and women can be equally appalling. Yet, the relaxed style of this book, presenting solid wisdom with a bit of scientific support, makes this book appealing, and, who knows, maybe it will make you more appealing, too! --Jenny Brown


Anonymous said…
Wah, bagi2 ebook nih :), thank you atas tawarannya yah.Ayo yg lain buruan, penawaran terbatas nih
Manda La Mendol said…
di translate sekalian doungggg !!!!
Fida Abbott said…
Wah Jed, seru deh kalau mau tulis Profil ttg aku. Jadi nggak sabar nih nunggu gimana Jed mau nulis ttg aku. Ditunggu ya. Thanks buat interest-nya.

Boleh juga postingan Jed kali ini. Menarik, habis pakai nawarin segala, gratis lagi, he,he...(boleh deh kirim 1 buat aku, sbg pengetahuan), habis gimana sekarang aja yg falling in love sama aku udah berjubin, hua,ha....!!! (contohnya, sang suami, anak-anak, dsb)
Anonymous said…
haha, when the first time I read the tittle, I was in doubt..but I might as well give it a try...
mau donk..kirim di email yaa

dung2x said…
Just an FYI... ati2 kalo bagi2 ebook, bisa kena problem with copyright issue. Kalo di Indo mungkin masi jarang kali ya... tp kalo di Singapore or US, bisa kena ciduk... :P Sekedar info... hueheuhe..
oi jed,, beneran nih mau kasi e-book?? bayar ga?? hehe,, kalo bayar ga jadi,, tapi kalo gratiiss,, dengan senang hati saya menunggu kiriman e-book nya di:

Anonymous said…
gratis kan jed?
kalau gratisan pasti saya mau, ngantri di, thanks ya
pyuriko said…
Maauu donk....., thanks yaa...
The Dodo said…
Anonymous said…
mau donkk..
hehe thank youu
-ian- said…
mau donk,

salam kenal
Theresia Maria said…
wah, aku udah masuk falling in love yang karatan hehehe...
boleh juga idenya Jed!
Jed Revolutia said…
udahannya limitnya...ebook akan segera dikirim..pendaftaran ditutup
Kang Andhi said…
masih boleh gak nih....??
Anonymous said…
yah Jed.. brarti Icha ga bisa minta dunk... udah kelewatan banyak.. dulu ga brani bilang.. skarang baru brani bilang... hikzz