Tadi pagi Jed dapet email:
Dear xxxxx,Thank you for registering Blogger Day.Your name has already submitted and your Registration code is xxxxxxBritish Council Blogger Day will be held on:Sunday, 6 April 200813.00 – 15.00 WIBBallroom 1BRitz Carlton Hotel Pacific Place,Jl. Jend. Sudirman, JakartaPlease print-out and bring this invitation as your ticket to enter the event.This invitation is valid for 1 (one) person only.PS: Please also bring your notebook for live blogging competition
Duh bangga banget bisa ikutan acara ini. Ini keterangannya:
British Council proudly invites Bloggers and Bloggers to be to the ‘British Council Blogger Day 2008’ on:Dan pendaftaran dah ditutup:
Sunday, 6 April 2008 (12.30 – 15.00 WIB)This event is specially designed for all bloggers and bloggers to be to meet each other face to face, Live and not Online. Famous names in blogging like Wicaksono from Koran Tempo, Dian Sastro (still to be confirmed) and Raditya Dika are invited to lead interactive discussion with Enda Nasution as moderator.
Ballroom 1B, Ritz Carlton Hotel Pacific Place
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta
You will hear Excellent Blogging Tips and Tricks from them and you will witness the launch of our Blog Competition to Celebrate the 60th anniversary of British Council in Indonesia. This event is held on first come first served basis, limited up to 100 guests, so book your place now by sending email to bcnow60@gmail.com with your name and email address. Once you’ve sent the email, you will get a confirmation reply from us enclosed by a registration number. Please print it out and bring it to the venue as an entry ticket.
Don’t forget to bring your own laptop or notebook to join The First Live Blogging Competition in Indonesia. All attendees are invited to participate and post entries (write up, pictures, videos) about this exciting event to their own blog…on the spot!!!
dan sekarang Jed dah di Jakarta, pengen ikutan, dan bingung cari laptop di mana...Dear all,
Just need to inform that all seats are now fully booked, and the registration is closed! thank you for those who have been participating.
-the bcnow60 team-
Oh iya aku punya hadiah utk utah XW yg pertama. Kunjungi Blogku ya. Silahkan pasang award-nya di Blog XW bila berkenan. Press Release merupakan hadiah kedua setelah award itu. Press Release dpt dibaca di rubrik Rohani
btw iya nih gw gatau mo minjem laptop dimana !! huaa !
moga dapet dah laptopnya..en happy weekend jed! ^^
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