Message In The Bottle

I got this tag from Gratcia, Icha, and Hans (3 people huh). And now I'm sending this back to you. I send this tag to everybody who reads this post from today, March 10, until Saturday, March 15. To put this one in your blog, here are the rules:
You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe?

1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.

3. Use graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture.
4. Post the Message In a Bottle message and your creation on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.

Your virtual bottle will remain a float in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity. Have fun!!!
Tell me if you have responded to this tag!!!


Gratcia said…
Hi....2 thumbs UP! This is waaaaaay cool! Bagus banget tag-nya jadinya.. haha...

Seneng2 liatnya. Thanks ya Jed :)

Keep on dreaming!
Anonymous said…
wiiihihi..dapet juga botolnya...^^
Anonymous said…
Whoa... botolnya keren... eh msg nya dink... Logo 'JED' nya cool...

Thx loh dah dikerjain....

I will never give up!!!
Anonymous said…
waa.. next posting kynya leh dicoba tuh tag na'...
pyuriko said…
Bagus banget pesannya ^_^

Cuma Iko gak bisa utak-atik pakai photoshop, gaptek pisan euy :(
pyuriko said…
Bagus banget pesannya ^_^

Cuma Iko gak bisa utak-atik pakai photoshop, gaptek pisan euy :(