One of the easiest way to build traffic to your blog is by letting the search engine spiders crawl your blog. Once your blog is listed in the search engine listing, then people from all around the world can come and read your blog content. If you want the spiders to crawl your blog, then you need to ping the search engine service using their ping service. Actually pinging is quite easy since you just need to enter your blog URL or your RSS / Atom feed. So, whenever you have updated your blog, it's better that you help the search spiders by pinging them manually. Below are some services you can use to ping your blog manually:
- BlogFlux Pinger which can ping many ping services though I'm not really sure this is quite effective.
- Pingoat which is almost similar to BlogFlux Pinger as it will ping many ping services.
- Ping Google Blog Search is recommended since you know that this is Google.
- IceRocket Ping Us which is one of the biggest blog search engine.
- Technorati Ping which is also one of the biggest blog search engine.
- Ping Bloglines which is very cool since it will make your blog listed in Ask.Com too.
- Ping Feedburner if you use their outstanding feed service.
- Submit to Yahoo! Site Explorer to release Yahoo! spiders.
- Submit your site to Live Search to release MSNbots.
- Pinging MoreOver will make major search engine like Google, Yahoo, or Live to crawl your blog. To do that, please go to this address (don't forget to put your blog name): http://api.moreover.com/ping?u=http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/rss.xml
The first thing you should do anyway is by making sure your blog is ping friendly by following this simple guidelines (CLICK HERE).
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