Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day and we are facing things called the Global Warming.
Can you do something about it?
Yes you can.
You can do a little help to our dying planet by planting a tree TODAY in the rainforest of Borneo, Indonesia.
How to do it?
Go check this website: MyBabyTree.org
Read also: http://www.behindthebuzz.com/my-baby-tree/
Can you do something about it?
Yes you can.
You can do a little help to our dying planet by planting a tree TODAY in the rainforest of Borneo, Indonesia.
How to do it?
Go check this website: MyBabyTree.org
When you plant a virtual tree online, a tree will be planted in real life. And what's really cool, is that you can specifically locate your tree in the vast jungle of Borneo via Google Earth. So, why don't you start by visiting the website and buy your tree today for only 45 thousands Rupiah or US $ 5.50 This is not a spam or scam, but this is a call for action. I will also plant my own tree.
(sorry, 'dah keburu sign-out jadi gini cara komennya)
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