A Trip To Museum Bank Mandiri

Recently on my Jakarta trip, I visited some museums. One of my favorite is Museum Bank Mandiri which is located at the old city of Jakarta (Batavia). It's very easy to go there if you take a TransJakarta (busway) since it is there when you go out of the bus stop at Kota. The original name of this museum is Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) which was built under the Dutch colonial rule in 1929. If you want to take shots with old Dutch-styled building as the background, then this is the right place.

The pictures about the site from other bloggers:


Anonymous said…
wah asyik ya kayak di film2 cowboy,..
oya yang baju kotak2 itu kamu?
tambah pas lagi deh kayak cowboy,...
Anonymous said…
Mank ada museum bank Mandiri.. duh, gw orang jakarta kok ktinggalan jaman gini yak? :D
Murni Rosa said…
Salahsatu obyek wisata gue tuh. Biarpun tinggal di Jakarta, kan ngga seluruh Jakarta yang bernuansa kota tua.

Sayang waktu itu gue 'n seorang temen deket gagal memasuki beberapa museum di daerah tsb (termasuk museum wayang di deket museum Mandiri.) Menurut seorang laki2 di situ museum ditutup sehubungan hari raya. Dia sih bersedia menemani kita ke dalam. Tapi justru itu. Kitanya jadi ngeri. :-D *mengenang sejenak masa liburan*