What Kind of Blogger Are You?

After doing this test, my result shows that:

You Are a Pundit Blogger!
Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

And now I invite 10 other people to do the test and share the result in your own blog. To give you more enthusiasm, if you link to this post, I will also put your link here.
  1. As Long As I Can Dream by Jed
  2. Paint Your Life by Icha
  3. my careless whispers by alf
  4. Solitude-Times by Indrasari
  5. you're next
  6. you're next
  7. you're next
  8. you're next
  9. you're next
  10. you're next
  11. you're next
  12. end of tag (fully booked)
So, here the step by step of what you should do:
  • Go to this page and do the quiz.
  • Make a new post in your blog about the result
  • Don't forget to give a backlink to this blog.
  • Tell me by leaving comment that you've made the post.
  • I will check and if I can find the backlink, I'll put yours in my blog as well.
  • End of business. So, why don't you start?
Some glossary to help you while doing the quiz:
  • Running: to try to be elected in an election.
  • Pop Culture: music, films, products etc in a particular society that are familiar to and popular with most ordinary people in that society.
  • Scoop: an important or exciting news story that is printed in one newspaper or shown on one television station before any of the others know about it.
  • Pet: a plan, idea, or subject that you particularly like or are interested in.
  • Pet Peeve: something that you strongly dislike because it always annoys you.
  • Anonymous: done, sent, or given by someone who does not want their name to be known.


Icha ikutan yah!
udah Jed, udah dikerjain...:D
Gratcia said…
Hwaaa.... saya udah test ini beberapa entry yg lalu... huhuuu... mmg harus kasih ksempatan untuk yg mau lewat neh... hiks hiks..

BTW I am Life Blogger, whatever that is (^^,)

Quiz is AWESOME!!!
Anonymous said…
ok jed, i did the test. i'm a life blogger. it's up on my website now http://kamunggay.blogspot.com. i linked you up. don't for get to add my name. happy weekend.
Murni Rosa said…
Ikut juga, dong! :-D
Puputse said…
ikut gak yah.... hmmm gak dulu deh :)
Anonymous said…
thnaks for the visit
Fida Abbott said…
I am a Snarky Blogger!!!!
Silahkan dilink.

jemiro said…
sometime, so annoying the MYSTERIOUS COMMENT a.k.a Anonymous, give comment but not give a identity. huh >:(
btw thx for info :)