Some of the most interesting posts I read this week from my favorite bloggers:
A Letter To Future Hobbit
Theres just something I want to set straight for now: YOU ARE NOT FAT. You may be puny and hairy, yes, but fat you're not. So be happy, precious, and indulge. Indulge because you're still young and alive.
My New Hobby
I'm learning drawing again! I used to attend art classes and won few prizes. Watch out people!
Lomba Blog "Pesta Buku Jakarta"
Iseng browsing-browsing dan menjelajahi blognya Raditya Dika si tukang kambing yang demen makan kakus itu, diketahui ternyata ada lomba blog yang diselenggarain ama Pesta Buku Jakarta. Isi lombanya disuru buat semacam resensi buku, dengan berbagai-bagai aturan yang ‘alahai’ banget. Tapi iseng-iseng pengen ikutan lah. Salah satu syaratnya musti ada komentar dari teman2 minimal 10 biji. So, nie minta tolong ama temen-temen buat sumbangin komennya ya, hihihihih
Hello Minnesota
At last we're here in Minnesota. We arrived Wednesday evening around 11:05 central time. Thank God we got here safely. There were some delays as we were in Chicago as well as when we were in Milwaukee . Traffic was so backed up. In Chicago , they close two lanes on each directions for construction.And when we got to WI, same thing too. But all in all our travel from Charleston SC to Rogers MN was smooth.
HAH? Lo dengering gue ga?
Gue nggak ngerti lagi! Semuanya jadi serba salah hari ini. Mulai dari bangun pagi, Doni sudah memulai pertengkaran. Entah apalagi yang diinginkannya kali ini, hanya karena gue lupa membuatkan teh sebab harus buru-buru mengantar Rafli ke sekolah, masak yang seperti itu dijadikan masalah besar? Dikatakannya gue lebih mengutamakan anak daripada suami, lalu dia mulai menuduh gue tidak menganggap.
Give Me Something To Amuse Us Both
Even if you're good enough to turn every part of your life into a tale that entertains your readers, one day you're going to get tired, one day your readers are going to get tired. When that happens, you'll both realize that there is no point writing and listening to the same things over and over again. Regardless of how good a writer you have become, you still need something there, something new.
Healthy Hair Vitamins
The most essential hair vitamin is vitamin a but the best form of this is to include in the diet is beta-carotene. This is because the hair vitamin A can be toxic if consumed in large quantities but beta-carotene has no such problems and is converted by the body into vitamin A that can be used to promote healthy hair. Of course, vitamin A is not just a hair vitamin, it is also needed for a number of other functions including normal growth of bones, skin, nails and the protective sheath surrounding nerve fibers.
An Article of Faith
Founded exactly 100 years ago, it has been in Indonesia since 1929, with few problems until recently. Much like the adherents of every other "Mystical Belief", which is what the Indonesian government labels every religion, they believe in one true God and follow the precepts of their Holy Book, in this case the Koran. They basically differ from mainstream Muslims in Indonesia in one respect. According to Ahmadis, there are two types of prophet: first, prophet who preach the syariah (Islamic laws), such as Prophet Mohammed, the second are prophets who are not preaching the syariah. Mirza Gulam Ahmad, the founder of Ahmadiyah community is regarded as the prophet who did not bring the syariah.
Sesederhana Itukah Kebahagiaan
Mungkin ada yang mikir segitu mudahnya merasa bahagia. Tapi buat gw sesederhana itulah kebahagiaan, ngga perlu punya baju-baju butik yang orang lain ngga punya, ngga harus punya sepasang sepatu untuk setiap warna baju, ngga perlu punya rumah besar dengan fasilitas lengkapnya.. Yang jelas bagi gw, bahagia itu adalah ketika gw merasa ingin menjadi seorang yang bahagia. Ketika lo belajar bersyukur, saat itulah lo bisa menjadi bahagia, apapun keadaannya...
Maraknya Lomba Blog
Baru saja kemarin posting tentang kompetisi blog yang diselenggarakan oleh TAM, langsung saja hari ini ditemukan setidaknya 4 lomba blog serupa dengan kekhasannya masing-masing. Memang lomba blog lagi musimnya ya?
Love....a state of mind?
Apakah realitas itu belum tentu nyata ?? oh yeah baby...kalau memang cuman sengatan listrik di otak yang menimbulkan realitas tersebut....so jangankan cinta...cowo ganteng yang elo lihat pake mata elo ajah ...bisa jadi hanya signal listrik yang menyengat di otak...belom tentu beneran.
A Letter To Future Hobbit
Theres just something I want to set straight for now: YOU ARE NOT FAT. You may be puny and hairy, yes, but fat you're not. So be happy, precious, and indulge. Indulge because you're still young and alive.
My New Hobby
I'm learning drawing again! I used to attend art classes and won few prizes. Watch out people!
Lomba Blog "Pesta Buku Jakarta"
Iseng browsing-browsing dan menjelajahi blognya Raditya Dika si tukang kambing yang demen makan kakus itu, diketahui ternyata ada lomba blog yang diselenggarain ama Pesta Buku Jakarta. Isi lombanya disuru buat semacam resensi buku, dengan berbagai-bagai aturan yang ‘alahai’ banget. Tapi iseng-iseng pengen ikutan lah. Salah satu syaratnya musti ada komentar dari teman2 minimal 10 biji. So, nie minta tolong ama temen-temen buat sumbangin komennya ya, hihihihih
Hello Minnesota
At last we're here in Minnesota. We arrived Wednesday evening around 11:05 central time. Thank God we got here safely. There were some delays as we were in Chicago as well as when we were in Milwaukee . Traffic was so backed up. In Chicago , they close two lanes on each directions for construction.And when we got to WI, same thing too. But all in all our travel from Charleston SC to Rogers MN was smooth.
HAH? Lo dengering gue ga?
Gue nggak ngerti lagi! Semuanya jadi serba salah hari ini. Mulai dari bangun pagi, Doni sudah memulai pertengkaran. Entah apalagi yang diinginkannya kali ini, hanya karena gue lupa membuatkan teh sebab harus buru-buru mengantar Rafli ke sekolah, masak yang seperti itu dijadikan masalah besar? Dikatakannya gue lebih mengutamakan anak daripada suami, lalu dia mulai menuduh gue tidak menganggap.
Give Me Something To Amuse Us Both
Even if you're good enough to turn every part of your life into a tale that entertains your readers, one day you're going to get tired, one day your readers are going to get tired. When that happens, you'll both realize that there is no point writing and listening to the same things over and over again. Regardless of how good a writer you have become, you still need something there, something new.
Healthy Hair Vitamins
The most essential hair vitamin is vitamin a but the best form of this is to include in the diet is beta-carotene. This is because the hair vitamin A can be toxic if consumed in large quantities but beta-carotene has no such problems and is converted by the body into vitamin A that can be used to promote healthy hair. Of course, vitamin A is not just a hair vitamin, it is also needed for a number of other functions including normal growth of bones, skin, nails and the protective sheath surrounding nerve fibers.
An Article of Faith
Founded exactly 100 years ago, it has been in Indonesia since 1929, with few problems until recently. Much like the adherents of every other "Mystical Belief", which is what the Indonesian government labels every religion, they believe in one true God and follow the precepts of their Holy Book, in this case the Koran. They basically differ from mainstream Muslims in Indonesia in one respect. According to Ahmadis, there are two types of prophet: first, prophet who preach the syariah (Islamic laws), such as Prophet Mohammed, the second are prophets who are not preaching the syariah. Mirza Gulam Ahmad, the founder of Ahmadiyah community is regarded as the prophet who did not bring the syariah.
Sesederhana Itukah Kebahagiaan
Mungkin ada yang mikir segitu mudahnya merasa bahagia. Tapi buat gw sesederhana itulah kebahagiaan, ngga perlu punya baju-baju butik yang orang lain ngga punya, ngga harus punya sepasang sepatu untuk setiap warna baju, ngga perlu punya rumah besar dengan fasilitas lengkapnya.. Yang jelas bagi gw, bahagia itu adalah ketika gw merasa ingin menjadi seorang yang bahagia. Ketika lo belajar bersyukur, saat itulah lo bisa menjadi bahagia, apapun keadaannya...
Maraknya Lomba Blog
Baru saja kemarin posting tentang kompetisi blog yang diselenggarakan oleh TAM, langsung saja hari ini ditemukan setidaknya 4 lomba blog serupa dengan kekhasannya masing-masing. Memang lomba blog lagi musimnya ya?
Love....a state of mind?
Apakah realitas itu belum tentu nyata ?? oh yeah baby...kalau memang cuman sengatan listrik di otak yang menimbulkan realitas tersebut....so jangankan cinta...cowo ganteng yang elo lihat pake mata elo ajah ...bisa jadi hanya signal listrik yang menyengat di otak...belom tentu beneran.
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