Washington Monument Vs. Heroes Monument

I just wonder why these two monuments look alike.

Washington Monument was built in 1848 in Washington DC, the capital of USA. The monument was built to commemorate George Washington, one of the founding fathers of the States. It is 169 meters height and made of marble, granite, and sandstone.

Tugu Pahlawan (Heroes Monument) was built in 1952 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The monument was built to commemorate the battle of the tenth of November in 1945. It is 41 meters height.


Unknown said…
iya mirip banget ama tugu pahlawan surabaya. Hiksss.. seumur-umur aku belum pernah masuk ke TPS walau udah 11 tahun tinggal di surabaya. Apalagi ke washington, busyet.. tambah ga mungkin
pyuriko said…
Iyaaa, mirip bangeetttt......

Btw, itukan Jed yang sedang di Tugu Pahlawan?? :D
Anonymous said…
for 3 seconds, these picture really got me... kirain sama...
Anonymous said…
Mirip ya ternyata tugunya. Yang bikn ga mirip karena ada bro Jed di Tugu Pahlawan. Wkwkwkwkwk... Just kidding bro. Revolutia.Org kemana bro?