Untuk itu Jed mengajak kita semua mengunjungi situs PeacefulIndonesia.Com dan memberikan suara anda sebagai petisi memprotes ketidakadilan atas para korban kerusuhan Mei 98 yang masih belum diselesaikan meski sudah lewat 10 tahun.
Ingatkah Anda ketika Tragedi Mei 1998 terjadi? Di mana Anda saat itu? Sepuluh tahun telah berlalu namun apa yang telah kita dan pemerintah Indonesia lakukan? Marilah kita cegah agar hal ini tidak terjadi lagi di masa mendatang.Ten Years Vigil of the Forgotten Massacre May 1998 Tragedy
In May 1998, Jakarta the capital of Indonesia was an ocean of inferno. There were 1,339 deaths and 92 females of Chinese ethnicity were sexually assaulted and raped due to an organized political scenario, which have not been thoroughly investigated. Where were you when such terrible and inhumane occurrences happened? Do you remember them now? What have the world and Indonesian government done to bring justice? Let's prevent such things to happen again in the future.This Worldwide Vigil for Humanity has three objectives:
Fisrst, to urge the government of the Republic of Indonesia to fully investigate the May 1998 Tragedy of Humanity and to bring the perpetrators to justice without any exception or reservation.
Second, to urge the government of the Republic of Indonesia to enforce the laws and bring to justice individual(s) and/or group(s) that exploit ethnicity, religion, race, and culture toward victims of violence and discrimination.
Third, to invite all citizens of Indonesia and citizens of the world in establishing new Indonesia without violence and discrimination.
PS: Jed akan kembali blogging tanggal 15 Mei bersatu dengan seluruh blogger sedunia dalam gerakan Bloggers Unite For Human Rights.
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